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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cricket ruins lives

You think I'm joking but I'm dead fucking serious when I tell you to never get Cricket service may be cheap but you definitely pay for what you're getting...crappy service. In the pass few days I've had arguments because well...gee I never got that text that you sent that was really important. Actually I haven't gotten maybe a totally of 10 different texts you sent because Cricket sucks. How do arguments happen...miscommunication and I would certainly consider not getting vital information miscommunication. Not to anyones fault of course...only the fault of that shitty provider that provides a pile of shit. Phew...glad I got that out.

Ok...moving on. So anyways...last night Alicia went home to her parents and Ryan was at a friends, it was actually pretty fricken sweet. Love em both but it was definitely nice to just sit in my underwear on the couch and watch Greys anatomy feels so good because its drama that has nothing to do with my life. Now I completely understand why people love drama shows so much. There isn't much arguing going on in your life when you're watching tv; now is there. You know what was also really awesome...Cait told me her roommate Nick said I was awesome and he loved know why? he said "because she just says whatever she wants and its hilarious" Thats right! I forgot how amazing I am...I really like to hear that...I mean...I know this is vain, but makes me feel really good when people tell me they like me and that I'm special. If you all don't like it bitches...well then suck a dick.

Work was hectic as shit and definitely overwhelming...I felt like I was running circles like a chicken with its head cut off. Went to my rents for some scary firework be honest with the last traumatic (I almost blew off my hand)episode...I really didn't feel in the mood for things that went *bang*. I was suppose to get some money from my mom and forgot that she didn't get paid yet. :( watched a little rescue heroes and listened to my nephew back talk which was slightly funny but mostly slightly annoying. Had another awful Cricket incident and then I took a bath (Christmas Eve BB and Cobweb bomb...mixing christmas and halloween is awesome) I actually started blowing the bubbles everywhere and I would have taken a picture..but well you all don't want to see that do you. Now..I'm going to remove my nail polish, watch more greys and fall asleep whenever the fuck I want...because I can do that. The End.

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