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Don't interrupt...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No Phone Zone may kill you

Oprah has this rule...its the no phone while driving pledge that she makes you sign when you go see her show. You sign it promising that you'll never talk/text on your phone while driving and that you will pull over if its an emergency to answer your phone. Now I know this quite well because my sister got us on the show and they MADE me sign this form...I wanted to give it back and they said..."you have to sign this"...I think that must be against the law somewhere...I know she's Oprah but she can't force me to sign shit. Anyways, my point being is that its all situational...if you strictly follow this rule you may end up killing yourself or worse killing someone else. For example: My sister was driving and I needed to tell her that we were going the wrong way, so I honked in my car for her to answer her phone. I thought that she didn't answer her phone because she signed the pledge and she loves Oprah so of course she can't break that contract. (It turns out she forgot her phone at home) BUT got me thinking...what if that was the case...that she didn't want to answer her phone so instead of using her phone she rolled down her window and tried to talk to me that way...and we are screaming at each other through the window I was definitely thinking...this is completely dangerous and I think Oprah didn't really think about the situations people may find themselves in when they CAN'T answer their phone on the road due to signing her pledge. Here's other scenarios...a wife is in the hospital because she's having your baby, anyone is in the hospital that you know, you saw an accident on the road, you're meeting someone someplace and they are calling you to change locations. Ok, get a bluetooth that should solve the whole problem entirely but it was fun to think of the silly things that can happen when you follow the pledge.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't care for Oprah. AT ALL. I think she's haughty and this only seals the deal. It's a REALLY good plan-I get it, texting/talking bad (and also, illegal in the city of Chicago so wtf is the point of her making you sign that)....I guess if you live in the burbs she thinks she can play lawmaker.... I agree re: bluetooth. Perhaps if she wants to prove that point her rich ass can hide a brand new bluetooth under everyone's seat. Grrr sorry, she really bothers me like 99% of the time :(
