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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Double the BOoty

I was walking to school and there was a woman in a really skin tight pink dress; it was one of those scenarios where she should have had a thong on...because the dress was that tight and well...I couldn't help but stare at her ass...and not because it was amazing looking...but because it looked like mine...flat as a pancake. So, the dress was not so flattering which is sad because the rest of her body was nice. I was wondering if anyone noticed that I was just walking behind her staring at her butt. Not like a stalker...just someone observing the similarities, which led me to think...if I ever wanted to get anything done in cosmetic surgery. I would start with my ass...I just want it to be perkier and rounder..that's all..not like Sir Mix-a-lot big, just cute and plump.

Anyways...another stinky adventure. As the weather gets hot and humid of course everyone gets stinkier. No matter where I go I smell BO surrounding me and ok don't get me wrong..I'm not perfect and I get some BO too, but I do smell checks and I reapply. BO is just god awful and I wonder what people did in the old days when deodorant was non-existant. The Blue Line with crowds of stinky people all standing next to each other...and speaking of BO...Mochi just farted next to me...ewwwww..not pleasant. Summer Time=Express Stop to Stinky Station

1 comment:

  1. Thanks....for some reason now I have 'that thong-th-thong-thong-thong' in my head. That does NOT make for a good night's sleep, LOL!
